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  1. 9 points
  2. adirondak

    Madonna & Lateness.

    There’s late and then there’s LATE. If she comes on within 90 mins of ticket time I can deal with that. However, if she’s 2-3 hours behind that really starts to detract from the overall experience.
    5 points
  3. DJ N A

    Madonna & Lateness.

    I'm a long time Madonna fan. I know she comes on late. I accept it as a fan and move on. However - As someone who works in the touring entertainment field, I have a behind-the-scenes insight that most don't. What really sucks is how this affects the blue-collar stagehands. They are compromised of a mostly local, union crew. They aren't traveling with her. They are just working a job locally. When she's being a diva and not coming on stage on time, they are forced to work longer hours than expected away from their families (though with double pay) to accommodate her being a brat and doing what she wants. That's disrespectful to the local stagehands who just want to do their job and go home. And NO - artists coming on hours late is not common place. Maybe some big name, unstoppable divas do it on occasion because they can (Beyonce, Prince, Mariah, etc.). But most artists can't and don't get away with doing it regularly. The fines for adding overtime pay to stagehands/ushers/security would bankrupt them and piss off their promoters. It eats into their profit. Quit excusing this bad behavior just because she can get away with it. I love her. I don't love this behavior.
    5 points
  4. Blue Jean

    Madonna & Lateness.

    The Madonna apologists in this thread sicken me. Anyway she will come on late. Anyone expecting that to change completely is delusional.
    5 points
  5. Back That Up To The Beat on Spotify DATE: TotalStreams (DailyGain) DEMO VERSION Sun, 22/01/23: 5,035,288 (+354,241) SPED UP VERSION Sun, 22/01/23: 2,157,871 (+96,592)
    4 points
  6. 22/01 - 22,555,543 (+80,141) NEW PEAK monthly listeners WW #187 (+8) 💣
    4 points
  7. Was this user complaining? No, they were asking a question. Please try to be nicer.
    4 points
  8. I don't think it's ok to start late, i've never experienced it with Madonna ( last i saw her was Sticky and Sweet 2nd leg at Bercy after seeing all previous tours and others and she cancelled on me for Madame X) but i would have been mad if she did. And it's already difficult when you're in your own town when this happens but when you're visiting just for her and don't know the place it could be scary. On top of it all I'm pretty sure she's someone who does not like to wait and people to be late when she has an appointment with them.
    3 points
  9. A queen is never late. everyone else is simply early
    3 points
  10. Bless. She's had a lot of "tough love" the last few years and she seems genuinely humbled by the reaction.
    3 points
  11. Aw that made my day. She seems a little in awe herself of how successful the tour sales have been. It’s rare to see her coming across this humble. LOVE to see her without grillz and the classic tooth gap. And a smile! She looks fantastic
    3 points
  12. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnuvGAKBcKz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link She looks really good with the curly red hair and I love her smile at the end... cute message
    3 points
  13. Prayer

    Madonna & Lateness.

    But concerts start late is simply not true in most cases. Most of us here go or have gone to different concerts from different artists along the years and, while a 10-15 minutes wait can be the usual thing, 1-2 hours is not what usually happens.
    3 points
  14. Millions of streams = money for her and Warner (or Interscope/Universal with the 10's albums), with a back catalogue than wasn't even barely moving copies on physical media anymore or deleted for years (the old maxi singles, etc.). We don't know how much money exactly, but all the majors have good contracts with Spotify, meaning they even earn more than the independent or small label artists - which isn't a lot sadly in those cases. Surely she's making some good money from streaming since they (M's team, I mean) started taking it seriously back in 2020.
    2 points
  15. Jackie

    Madonna & Lateness.

    That's all well and good if you are a stan, but the general public who don't follow her wouldn't realize that's how it goes lol That was the biggest issue here in Australia - I think it was Brisbane, there was no public transport once she finished, people had also booked babysitters and had to go to work on the Monday morning. That's not to say it was entirely Madonna's fault - it was Live Nation - they know the locals best and could have done that here. If she just put on the ticket, showtime 10:30pm - people who don't know that she never starts before this, can decide what they want to do.
    2 points
  16. Are we not talking about Gaga expressing her love for Madonna (even calling her M like people close to her) on Tik Tok under her thank you video ?
    2 points
  17. It's Madonna, my experience say --- expect quite a long wait until she goes on... plan for it... and do not make plans that include taking a train, bus etc. 10 minutes after the concert was supposed to end...
    2 points
  18. Rocco Comelon

    I like this band

    I like this band
    2 points
  19. Adonna

    Madonna & Lateness.

    I hope people do realize the start time at the venues will be for her opening act. So if your ticket says 8:30, that's when her opening act will take the stage. I don't expect Madonna to come out any earlier than 9:30 or 10:00 pm.
    2 points
  20. I have no issue about her coming on late, start whenever you want - BUT be upfront about that on your tickets - if you want to start at 11pm - that's amazing - but say that on your ticket so that everyone is well informed and can make plans.
    2 points
  21. Alibaba

    Madonna & Lateness.

    It is so irksome to hear this continuing narrative around Madonna’s lack of “professionalism”. She is an absolute consummate professional on every level. She has performed countless shows despite having injuries, sickness and facing other adverse circumstances over the years in order to give her public what they paid for. She is not a product. She is a human being who has consistently shown superhuman stamina and strength. That’s how I choose to see her in any case…I try to remember that she is a dedicated mother who agreed to continue touring on her own terms; this idea that she deserves a terrible reputation for poor showmanship is unfair. We all know she was in agony throughout her last tour and in the midst of a deep emotional crisis the time before that. I have seen abbreviated shows. I have experienced long waits. It can be a bit boring when you attend a show alone if you’re a little introverted like me, but if you go with friends the entire experience can be socially enjoyable, even when you’ve been at the venue for three or four hours. As someone else pointed out, don’t get drunk or high before the concert starts because you may either lose your buzz or become too intoxicated by the time the show begins, making the experience a total dud. I know people who struggle with this, and they always blame the artist! Another basic tip…Make sure you eat and hydrate before going to the venue, and dress appropriately. Sometimes the venue can go from being freezing to hotter than hell! I saw Madame X at the Wiltern in LA and walked home to West Hollywood (5 miles…around 2 hours) at 1am as there was an Uber shortage. I didn’t let it ruin my experience. I made it a part of my experience. I put on my headphones and listened to the studio version of the songs in the setlist. I took in the surreal experience of going from a packed theater to the empty early morning streets of LA. I was vigilant, but deeply contemplative after witnessing an unusual show filled with subtleties I had not yet fully processed. My advice for anyone going to see this tour: Avoid expectation and you will adjust to the outcome in full appreciation of what you have seen and heard! It’s a privilege to get to see her live again, and I am determined to fully enjoy it.
    2 points
  22. SHE LOOKS SO CUTE AND AMAZING. The smile at the end was so sweet!
    2 points
  23. Back That Up To The Beat on Spotify DATE: TotalStreams (DailyGain) DEMO VERSION Sat, 21/01/23: 4,681,047 (+420,909) NEW PEAK SPED UP VERSION Sat, 21/01/23: 2,061,279 (+105,461)
    2 points
  24. You should have thrown it away way before that
    2 points
  25. This is a campaign to reclaim her crown (or to say that it is still very much on her head) so i like to believe she'll be a total pro.
    2 points
  26. So she’s still copying Madonna ?
    2 points
  27. she looks good not the guy on background wear the same shirt that i have .im gonna throw it away
    2 points
  28. finally!!!! It's since I saw the video at the end of 1984 that I wanted to see the photos (I don't know how many times I paused the video recorder to be able to understand and see these photos),the same thing for the (fake) Italian newspaper GLOSS with her on the cover that can be seen on the newsstand.. This is PURE HEAVEN!
    2 points
  29. Can you speak for yourself? For me it is the first time that I see a post that talks about this interesting and polarizing topic. There is no need to generalize. Not all of us have 2,000, 3,000 or 5,000 posts in this forum.
    2 points
  30. Amazing photoshoot. She's serving album cover material right there.
    2 points
  31. Apparently the photos that the photographer in the video took of M Is finallly being released by https://www.njgstudio.com/
    1 point
  32. i don't know if this is the right place.. but i saw this... i don't know anything about that profile so don't yell at me https://twitter.com/leaksnation_/status/1617613972567621632?t=m3UYpiBoch0BXbLd_2Ai5g&s=19
    1 point
  33. Prince made me wait 3 hours at Bercy (now Accor Arena) in 1993, they even let us go outside and back in. Turns out he was in the recording studio. Since i was still a teenager and i had school the next day and was not allowed outside after midnight (though my mom told me i could have stayed), i had to leave early and saw only 40 minutes of the show. Was my first concert by myself. Santigold made me wait 2 hours as well once (apparently the tour bus broke) and managed to lipsynch the whole thing (whereas her previous concert was one of my favourite ever). Peaches made me wait an hour and a half, oh and there's this french singer whom not only managed to be late but was totally drunk, even beyond that, trashed, on stage. And that's only the ones that come to my mind.
    1 point
  34. Even her smile… so cute!!! I’ve always said she didn’t do anything to her teeth. ☺️🙏🏼
    1 point
  35. "Rumor"? I could've sworn this was confirmed 2 decades ago because I remember browsing some 2003 archives on Mad-Eyes and reading about this a few years ago. I've always felt that Xtina being there was almost as needless as Missy's involvement, and I wonder if JLo being there instead would've actually changed much.
    1 point
  36. Hollywood I'm Going Bananas or Some Girls?
    1 point
  37. She's so sweet and sincere in her "thank you". Love seeing her smile like that at the end. I'll be curious if she keeps the copper hair for the tour or go blonde again?
    1 point
  38. at the moment it's Love Profusion Miles Away or Hollywood
    1 point
  39. I had to google who Lil Uzi was. Oh my god, if you thought her autotune was overboard lately, just wait till you hear his shit. She may as well swallow a fucking harmonica…
    1 point
  40. I saw that for sure! I'm just anxious for official info from the website about the details of the "project". Is it a book? Does it contain ALL the photos taken that day by him in the 3 or so different outfits/settings? How many diff photos to expect? It's just really exciting!!! Can't wait to hear more & hope there's a little heads up before the preorder happens these will sell like hotcakes for sure this time around!
    1 point
  41. Damn, girl is looking good. She's clearly lost a lot of weight lately. Wish she'd take the grillz out, but alas... Looks like I'm in the minority here, but I really hope she goes back to straight platinum blonde for the tour. That's classic Madonna. I don't want to see her red-headed for the show.
    1 point
  42. stfan97

    Madonna & Lateness.

    We won't know until the tour starts but keeping an eye out on reports from the first shows will give some indication of how it's going to go. And no, it's not a crazy question as every tour there are inevitably a bunch of casuals around me who are actually shocked at how late it ends up being and ask for and do get refunds, so for the actual general public, she does need to get her act together. The GP isn't "overlooking and accepting" her lateness so much as they probably just have no clue if they don't read Ticketmaster reviews and haven't been to her shows in years. It's good to be prepared.
    1 point
  43. She looked stunning over here!!! 😍💕
    1 point
  44. Yes. Oakland Sticky & Sweet in November 2008. My personal treasure. I'll be recording this show too
    1 point
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