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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2022 in all areas

  1. oh STFU it's an unflattering angle with her chin down. Yes she's fillered up and we know sh'e done a lot of work on her face but stop being a drama fuck, amplifying the bullshit. Jesus fkn Christ.
    10 points
  2. scamper

    Her face...what a shock

    I don't usually talk about her face, because I think it's not the most important thing to talk about Madonna but... I hate when people talks about getting old with dignity... What is getting old with dignity? I mean, for me dignity has nothing to do with our body, is deeper than that. Yeah, she uses filters, fillers and all those things but where's the problem? I mean... I have a "good" paunch but when I buy a T-shirt (for example) I don't like it to be very tight. Should I have to hear things like "You're fat!!! Have some dignity and go tight"? EVERYBODY have "problems" with their bodies (bigger or smaller) and for example when we dress we buy clothes that make us look taller or smaller than what we are, fatter or thiner... We use make up, or jewels, tatoos, we go to gyms just to look closer to what we want or like to be. Madonna is a public person yeah, but it doesn't mean that she belongs to us. She can do what she wants with her body and her faces and of course you can like it or not. I don't like her hair so long (I never liked how she looked on the Brits Awards when she sang "Bedtime story") but is her hair. For me, getting older with dignity is learn to respect the others, learn that all of us are free to do what we want as long as it doesn't hurt others and most of all learn that judge other people is what we don't want people to do with us. Dignity has nothing to do with how your face look.
    7 points
  3. No. We just want something creative. You know, the thing she’s famous for?
    6 points
  4. I don't get people. When she wasn't overboard with the cosmetic procedures, it was always her hands or her arms. Then she goes and does that, people are now complaining about her face and how she should have aged naturally. Can you blame her given at the end of the day, whether Madonna listens or not, those kinds of comments hurt. She can't win.
    5 points
  5. It's disgusting that they are zooming in on her hands. Bullshit.
    5 points
  6. 70.694 streams debut on Spotify on its first day (Thursday). With the push of Release Radar on Friday, it should add 150.000-200.000 minimum more with yesterday's streams. A strong start.
    5 points
  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10580949/amp/Madonna-63-displays-youthful-complexion-enjoys-dinner-son-Rocco-Ritchie-21.htm Her face....so so Sad
    4 points
  8. How difficult it is for many to avoid falling into insults when responding to a comment they don't like or disagree with. If society criticizes old age in women implicitly demanding that they resort to plastic surgeries and implants in the body and filters in photos and thus hide their old age, then Madonna also ends up submitting to it by doing the same and contradicting herself according to her speech in the Billboard.
    4 points
  9. What she criticized so much during her speech when she was awarded Woman of the Year in 2016 in Billboard, that is, her rejection of how society condemns old age in women, but I see that everything remains theoretical because she herself does not practice it and we see how she resists the passage of time using effects in her photographs or exaggerated implants in her body. Madonna has sometimes been pretentious but at this point I am sure that most of her fans would not mind seeing her grow old with dignity and not see her desperately fighting against the passage of time.
    4 points
  10. It's a shame we never got Vogue feat. Vanilla Ice or Erotica feat. Kriss Kross. I'm sure everyone here would adore them.
    4 points
  11. MartineX

    Going to make a leak...

    Going to make a leak...
    4 points
  12. People defending whoever criticize her, a woman, or even a man for their body and physical appareance has shit inside the head and absolutely needs help. Imagine thinking to dictate rules on how people should look. Absolutely disgusting behavior.
    3 points
  13. It really pisses me off when people say Madonna should age gracefully or with dignity. Why should she conform to other people's idea of how to live. What's dignity anyway! Looking like a sack of potatoes. Madonna does what she wants, thankfully.
    3 points
  14. Whomever thinks her IG pix are real life is a fkn idiot.
    3 points
  15. Most likely because Madonna has been promoting it for months and even is making a video for it... just as if it was a major release ;-)
    3 points
  16. I think she looks kinda cool, I mean, I'm pretty sure that if someone takes pictures of me leaving a restaurant at the middle of the night with flashes and stuff I will look like an orco, and I'm 31, so, wtf, God Save the Queen <3
    3 points
  17. Not a surprise. The image she brings in Instagram doesnt exist. So no surprise at all.
    3 points
  18. Seriously though. That journalist is some piece of work. And a piece of shit.
    3 points
  19. lol, wait let me guess, it's Guy O's fault, how dare she grow old use too many filters and photoshop and then just go out in the street, how can she do this to her fans, so so sad
    3 points
  20. The thing is: Frozen was such a Masterpiece, lirically, vocally, musically, the recording, the video, the album, the era, the momentum, such a peak and epic moment for her. And many of us, lived it and still remember it, so anything new is going to be like a zero next to that legendary moment. It´s a pity but oh, the old good times never will return. I don´t care for this remix, but really, so much work put on it, so much time and now we have this? I´ll wait to see the video, but, well, the music industry is really worse than before, in all the sides of it, no matter how you look at it.
    3 points
  21. Did we know this was already on YouTube?
    3 points
  22. The dramatics are delicious up in hur. I don’t love this remix, I’m not even sure if I like it at all. But it’s not the end of the world for me lol. At the end of the day I can still turn on anything M, drink some wine and that’s all I really need. I’m more so dying to see the video tbh.
    3 points
  23. She looks like a great 60 something year old woman much better than the over filtered instagram pictures, but it’s her life she should be able to do whatever she wants and show herself on social media how she wants. It must be so hard to be in the public eye and have people comment on your appearance, it must affect her and it must make her feel insecure. That female journalist is a c*nt and what’s disgusting as a female she should be supporting I doubt she’ll look that great when she’s that age
    2 points
  24. The only unflattering thing I see is the fat on her (increasingly disappearing) neck getting pushed up by her high-neck top, creating a double chin. And those fooking grillz.
    2 points
  25. She looks great in the pics that are not at an unflattering angle. As for surgery, if I had the money I’d ask them to just scoop out my brain and shove it in something attractive. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have your looks examined so closely and commented on so publicly.
    2 points
  26. When I read comment's like this from so called "fans" spreading hate towards Madonna, I kind of happy that this forum will be shut down. To be honest most of you deserve only a huge fuck you from her!!
    2 points
  27. ITG

    Her face...what a shock

    I don't think it's contradicting herself at all. She should be able to age in any way she chooses, that is the point. Letting yourself go doesn't mean you're aging gracefully. Madonna IS her own product. She's taking care of herself. There are people in their 20's that have these procedures done, why shouldn't she. I'd have a (minor) lift if I could afford it, not because of society's pressure, but because I want to look good....so average for me it is then
    2 points
  28. I prefer her without filters... she is 63... she does not need to look like a picture perfect 20 year old for my sake.
    2 points
  29. They always try to pick the most unflattering photos for these sort of 'news' reports
    2 points
  30. Looks like she's recently had her buccal fat removed to accentuate her cheek area. This procedure is often done on patients who are inclined to stop or reduce regular use of facial filler since the reduction of buccal fat creates optical fullness in the mid-face area. This is just a transitory appearance, but I think she looks fine already. Camera flashes make it look worse than it is. Once the the cheek filler wears off naturally, this should actually look fantastic. Dissolving the filler prematurely could cause visible loss of tightness in the cheek area which wouldn't be aesthetically desirable.
    2 points
  31. Why is everyone freaking out over this remix like it’s a new major release? It’s just a little project she did on top of a bunch of other things she’s working on. You all act like you are forced to listen to this. The best way to express your dislike is to ignore it and move on.
    2 points
  32. I've been baffled by her recent decisions for a while - her looks and these kind of collaborations, she's completely lost artistically, grasping at straws. It might take a few years, but I can only assume she'll find her way again - most legacy artists have a few bumps like this where they no longer trust their own judgement or ability. For the longest time I thought Madonna was the one to buck that trend, but here we are.
    2 points
  33. Why does Madonna's Instagram Frozen remix clip sound radically different that the released version? It actually sounds exciting.
    2 points
  34. i don't think you'd get as many votes if you do all megarates in one go by the end of march. it would be exhausting for you and many people wouldn't be able to vote on all of them, including me - takes too much time. Better take your time, let's enjoy the game rather than rush it with questionable results
    2 points
  35. Not all of us are old. I'm 28 and know exactly what is hot right now in the music world. Like... Just because some of us don't like this song doesn't mean we're "out of touch" lol.
    2 points
  36. The woman caught someone remixing one of her hits and instead of tearing him down, she picked him up and made the remix about her. It was a smart move. She’s still got plenty to bring to the table. Warner will make the most of this while she able to put stuff out.
    2 points
  37. EVERYBODY JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/NF6wffwvua
    2 points
  38. Yeah it’s sort have gone back to the 1960’s where songs were very very short and rarely lasted more than 2:30. lots of Motown songs were like this. No room for instrumentals or long intros Outros it was very straight to the point to draw you in. So many big songs you all know and love are this short. Baby Love Please Mr Postman Needle In A Haystack etc.
    2 points
  39. This tug of war about the way she looks feels pointless. There are times she will look great. There are times she won't. Eventually most people are going to get there too. And then one day we'll all be dead. Would I have imagined this is the road she would have gone down? No. But it's her face and body. I do think it would be interesting to see what she would have looked like with minimal maintenance work at this point. But people would always have a problem either way. I think more than the surgery, a certain segment of her fan base considers it a sin that she gained a little weight.
    1 point
  40. I don't think submitting to the pressures takes away from the point she's making. We all just trying to live decent lives. It's different for women but increasingly men are victims of the pressures of society as well. It's all fucked. All that said, I hoped she would go the Vivienne Westwood route and not give a fuck about her age and still be cool but alas, she needs to do what she needs to do to be able to live with herself within this fucked up society.
    1 point
  41. I will consider it after the Erotica rate though the format of the results show might be affected by this. I also considered taking the reigns of the forum cause i don't want to let it go, however i never did such a thing before so someone would have to explain it to me.
    1 point
  42. Literally the whole music industry today turns around this concept and 95% of M fans still don't understand this
    1 point
  43. This remix she needs to release instead that Frozen garbage ?
    1 point
  44. New cover photo on madonna.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CalQzJDALJa/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CapdABBgHM8/ BTS / on set for Frozen Remix video https://www.instagram.com/p/CaqGW4KgUij/
    1 point
  45. Madonna…you’re out of your mind sickick… you’re out of your mind Fireboy… you’re out of your mind this remix is gonna punish you !
    1 point
  46. People here are being more overdramatic than the editing in an Indian soap opera... Not kidding, you all literally look like this!
    1 point
  47. i would rather have the florence wtg show :(
    1 point
  48. OMG! An exclusive photo from the official video has been leaked! ???
    1 point
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